Friday, July 12, 2019

Myths of bio-inspired deep neural networks.

In my opinion neuroscience best aid DNN design if the designers are having stability and generalizability in mind, instead of accuracy and speed. brains are evolved to be a fault-tolerant, failure-proof, multi-tasking system, where most functions can be achieved via multiple mechanisms, and there are “backup engines” to prevent system crash. Nervous system is also a analog wetware where the algorithms has to be implement with different logic from computer algorithms. Besides, there are also infinite amount of chemical-biology signaling and modulating pathways that run in tandem with all other organ systems to support basic metabolism and immune response. Radically speaking, you can survive without halve a brain, but not without half your heart. Reasonably, the existence of brain in not to master a single functions such as image segmentation, but make it just good enough to get the final reward ‘to survive’.  

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